Source code for sphinxcontrib.bibtex.richtext

from abc import ABC
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

from pybtex.richtext import BaseMultipartText, BaseText

ReferenceInfo = TypeVar("ReferenceInfo")
"""Generic type parameter for types that store reference information.
To be implemented by clients. See for instance

[docs]class BaseReferenceText(BaseMultipartText, Generic[ReferenceInfo], ABC): """Generic rich text element for citation references. Instances store some extra reference info that can be used when formatting. This base class renders its children without further formatting. Implementations must create a derivation from this class which overrides the *render* method to create the desired output. See for instance :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.SphinxReferenceText`. """ def __init__(self, info: ReferenceInfo, *parts: "BaseText"): = (info,) super().__init__(*parts)