Source code for sphinxcontrib.bibtex.bibfile

    Classes and methods to work with bib files.

    .. autoclass:: BibFile

    .. autoclass:: BibData

    .. autofunction:: normpath_filename

    .. autofunction:: parse_bibdata

    .. autofunction:: is_bibdata_outdated

    .. autofunction:: process_bibdata
import math
import os.path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Set

from docutils.nodes import make_id
from pybtex.database import BibliographyData, BibliographyDataError
from pybtex.database.input.bibtex import Parser
from sphinx.util.logging import getLogger

    from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BibFile(NamedTuple): """Contains information about a parsed bib file.""" mtime: float #: Modification time of file when last parsed. keys: Dict[str, None] #: Set of keys for this bib file as ordered dict.
[docs]class BibData(NamedTuple): """Contains information about a collection of bib files.""" encoding: str #: Encoding of all bib files. bibfiles: Dict[str, BibFile] #: Maps bib filename to information about it. data: BibliographyData #: Data parsed from all bib files.
[docs]def normpath_filename(env: "BuildEnvironment", filename: str) -> str: """Return normalised path to *filename* for the given environment *env*.""" return os.path.normpath(env.relfn2path(filename.strip())[1])
def get_mtime(bibfilename: str) -> float: try: return os.path.getmtime(bibfilename) except OSError: return -math.inf
[docs]def parse_bibdata(bibfilenames: List[str], encoding: str) -> BibData: """Parse *bibfilenames* with given *encoding*, and return parsed data.""" parser = Parser(encoding) bibfiles: Dict[str, BibFile] = {} keys: Dict[str, None] = {} for filename in bibfilenames:"parsing bibtex file {0}... ".format(filename), nonl=True) if not os.path.isfile(filename): logger.warning( "could not open bibtex file {0}.".format(filename), type="bibtex", subtype="bibfile_error", ) new_keys: Dict[str, None] = {} else: try: parser.parse_file(filename) except BibliographyDataError as exc: logger.warning( "bibliography data error in {0}: {1}".format(filename, exc), type="bibtex", subtype="bibfile_data_error", ) keys, old_keys = dict.fromkeys(, keys assert all(key in keys for key in old_keys) new_keys = dict.fromkeys(key for key in keys if key not in old_keys)"parsed {0} entries".format(len(new_keys))) bibfiles[filename] = BibFile(mtime=get_mtime(filename), keys=new_keys) return BibData(encoding=encoding, bibfiles=bibfiles,
[docs]def is_bibdata_outdated( bibdata: BibData, bibfilenames: List[str], encoding: str ) -> bool: return ( bibdata.encoding != encoding or list(bibdata.bibfiles) != bibfilenames or any( bibfile.mtime != get_mtime(filename) for filename, bibfile in bibdata.bibfiles.items() ) )
[docs]def process_bibdata( bibdata: BibData, bibfilenames: List[str], encoding: str ) -> BibData: """Parse *bibfilenames* and store parsed data in *bibdata*.""""checking bibtex cache... ", nonl=True) if is_bibdata_outdated(bibdata, bibfilenames, encoding):"out of date") return parse_bibdata(bibfilenames, encoding) else:"up to date") return bibdata
# function does not really fit in any module, but used by both # cite and footcite domains, so for now it's residing here def _make_ids(docname: str, lineno: int, ids: Set[str], raw_id: str) -> List[str]: if raw_id: id_ = make_id(raw_id) if id_ in ids: logger.warning( f"duplicate citation id {id_}", location=(docname, lineno), type="bibtex", subtype="duplicate_id", ) return [] else: ids.add(id_) return [id_] else: return []