Source code for sphinxcontrib.bibtex.roles

    .. autoclass:: CitationRef

    .. autoclass:: CiteRole

        .. automethod:: result_nodes

import docutils.nodes

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast, NamedTuple, List
from pybtex.plugin import find_plugin
from sphinx.roles import XRefRole

    from .domain import BibtexDomain

[docs]class CitationRef(NamedTuple): """Information about a citation reference.""" citation_ref_id: str #: Unique id of this citation reference. docname: str #: Document name. line: int #: Line number. keys: List[str] #: Citation keys (including key prefix).
[docs]class CiteRole(XRefRole): """Class for processing the :rst:role:`cite` role.""" backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'docutils')() innernodeclass = docutils.nodes.inline
[docs] def result_nodes(self, document, env, node, is_ref): """Associate the pending_xref with the cite domain, and note the cited citation keys. """ if not node.get('refdomain'): assert node['reftype'] == 'cite' node['refdomain'] = 'cite' node['reftype'] = 'p' document.note_explicit_target(node, node) # for backrefs domain = cast("BibtexDomain", env.get_domain('cite')) domain.citation_refs.append(CitationRef( citation_ref_id=node['ids'][0], docname=env.docname, line=document.line, keys=[key.strip() for key in',')], )) return [node], []