Getting Started


Sphinx extensions for BibTeX style citations.

The bibtex extension allows BibTeX citations to be inserted into documentation generated by Sphinx, via a bibliography directive, and a cite role, which work similarly to LaTeX’s thebibliography environment and \cite command.

For formatting, the extension relies on pybtex written by Andrey Golovizin. The extension is inspired by Matthew Brett’s bibstuff.sphinxext.bibref and Weston Nielson’s sphinx-natbib.


Install the module with pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex, or from source using python install. Then add:

extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.bibtex']
bibtex_bibfiles = ['refs.bib']

to your project’s Sphinx configuration file

Minimal Example

In your project’s documentation, you can then write for instance:

See :cite:`1987:nelson` for an introduction to non-standard analysis.

.. bibliography::

where refs.bib would contain an entry:

  author = {Edward Nelson},
  title = {Radically Elementary Probability Theory},
  publisher = {Princeton University Press},
  year = {1987}

In the default style, this will get rendered as:

See [Nel87a] for an introduction to non-standard analysis.


Edward Nelson. Radically Elementary Probability Theory. Princeton University Press, 1987.

Citations in sphinx are resolved globally across all documents. Typically, you have a single bibliography directive across your entire project which collects all citations. Advanced use cases with multiple bibliography directives across your project are also supported, but some care needs to be taken from your end to avoid duplicate citations.

In contrast, footnotes in sphinx are resolved locally per document. To achieve local bibliographies per document, you can use citations represented by footnotes as follows:

Non-standard analysis is lovely. :footcite:`1987:nelson`

.. footbibliography::

which will get rendered as:

Non-standard analysis is lovely. 1


Edward Nelson. Radically Elementary Probability Theory. Princeton University Press, 1987.

Typically, you have a single footbibliography directive at the bottom of each document that has footcite citations. Advanced use cases with multiple footbibliography directives per document are also supported. Since everything is local, there is no concern with duplicate citations when using footnotes.