New Domains

Classes and methods to maintain any bibtex information that is stored outside the doctree.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.BibliographyKey(docname, id_)[source]
property docname

Alias for field number 0

property id_

Alias for field number 1

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.BibliographyValue(line: int, bibfiles: List[str], style: str, list_: str, enumtype: str, start: int, labelprefix: str, keyprefix: str, filter_: _ast.AST, citation_nodes: Dict[str, docutils.nodes.citation])[source]

Contains information about a bibliography directive.

property bibfiles

List of bib files for this directive.

property citation_nodes

key -> citation node

property enumtype

The sequence type (for enumerated lists).

property filter_

Parsed filter expression.

property keyprefix

String prefix for citation keys.

property labelprefix

String prefix for pybtex generated labels.

property line

Line number of the directive in the document.

property list_

The list type.

property start

The start of the sequence (for enumerated lists).

property style

The pybtex style.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.Citation(citation_id: Optional[str], bibliography_key: sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.BibliographyKey, key: str, label: str, formatted_entry:[source]

Information about a citation.

property bibliography_key

Key of its bibliography directive.

property citation_id

Unique id of this citation.

property formatted_entry

Entry as formatted by pybtex.

property key

Unique citation id used for referencing.

property label

Label (with brackets and label prefix).

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.CitationRef(citation_ref_id: str, docname: str, line: int, keys: List[str])[source]

Information about a citation reference.

property citation_ref_id

Unique id of this citation reference.

property docname

Document name.

property keys

Citation keys (including key prefix).

property line

Line number.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.BibtexDomain(env: sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment)[source]

Global bibtex extension information cache.

property bibfiles

Map each bib filename to some information about the file (including the parsed data).

property bibliographies

Map storing information about each bibliography directive.


Do consistency checks (experimental).

property citation_refs

Citation reference data.

property citations

Citation data.

clear_doc(docname: str)None[source]

Remove traces of a document in the domain-specific inventories.


Yield all citation keys for given docnames in order, then ordered by citation order.

get_entries(bibfiles: List[str]) → Iterable[pybtex.database.Entry][source]

Return all bibliography entries from the bib files, unsorted (i.e. in order of appearance in the bib files.

get_filtered_entries(bibliography_key: sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.BibliographyKey) → Iterable[Tuple[str, pybtex.database.Entry]][source]

Return unsorted bibliography entries filtered by the filter expression.

get_formatted_entries(bibliography_key: sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.BibliographyKey, docnames: List[str]) → Iterable[][source]

Get sorted bibliography entries along with their pybtex labels, with additional sorting and formatting applied from the pybtex style.

get_sorted_entries(bibliography_key: sphinxcontrib.bibtex.domain.BibliographyKey, docnames: List[str]) → Iterable[Tuple[str, pybtex.database.Entry]][source]

Return filtered bibliography entries sorted by citation order.

merge_domaindata(docnames: List[str], otherdata: Dict)None[source]

Merge in data regarding docnames from a different domaindata inventory (coming from a subprocess in parallel builds).

resolve_xref(env: sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment, fromdocname: str, builder:, typ: str, target: str, node: sphinx.addnodes.pending_xref, contnode: docutils.nodes.Element) → docutils.nodes.Element[source]

Replace node by list of citation references (one for each key).