Source code for sphinxcontrib.bibtex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    .. autofunction:: setup
    .. autofunction:: init_bibtex_cache
    .. autofunction:: purge_bibtex_cache
    .. autofunction:: merge_bibtex_cache
    .. autofunction:: init_foot_current_id
    .. autofunction:: process_citations
    .. autofunction:: process_citation_references
    .. autofunction:: check_duplicate_labels

import collections
import docutils.nodes
import json
import docutils.frontend
import docutils.parsers.rst
import docutils.utils
import sphinx.util
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError
from .cache import Cache
from .bibfile import normpath_filename, process_bibfile
from .nodes import bibliography
from .roles import CiteRole
from .directives import BibliographyDirective
from .transforms import BibliographyTransform
from .foot_nodes import footbibliography
from .foot_roles import FootCiteRole
from .foot_directives import FootBibliographyDirective
from .foot_transforms import FootBibliographyTransform
from oset import oset

logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def init_bibtex_cache(app): """Create ``app.env.bibtex_cache`` if it does not exist yet. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` """ # check config if app.config.bibtex_bibfiles is None: raise ExtensionError("You must configure the bibtex_bibfiles setting") # add cache if not already present if not hasattr(app.env, "bibtex_cache"): app.env.bibtex_cache = Cache() # update bib file information in the cache for bibfile in app.config.bibtex_bibfiles: process_bibfile( app.env.bibtex_cache.bibfiles, normpath_filename(app.env, bibfile, app.config.master_doc), app.config.bibtex_encoding) # read json json_filename = normpath_filename( app.env, "bibtex.json", app.config.master_doc) try: with open(json_filename) as json_file: json_dict = json.load(json_file) except FileNotFoundError: json_dict = {"cited": {}} # import cited_previous from json data app.env.bibtex_cache.cited_previous = collections.defaultdict(oset) app.env.bibtex_cache.cited_previous.update({ key: oset(value) for key, value in json_dict["cited"].items()}) # parse bibliography headers for directive in ("bibliography", "footbibliography"): conf_name = "bibtex_{0}_header".format(directive) if not hasattr(app.env, conf_name): parser = docutils.parsers.rst.Parser() settings = docutils.frontend.OptionParser( components=(docutils.parsers.rst.Parser,)).get_default_values() document = docutils.utils.new_document( "{0}_header".format(directive), settings) parser.parse(getattr(app.config, conf_name), document) setattr(app.env, conf_name, document[0] if len(document) > 0 else None)
[docs]def init_foot_current_id(app, docname, source): """Initialize current footbibliography id for *docname*. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` :param source: The document source. :type source: :class:`str` """ app.env.bibtex_cache.new_foot_current_id(app.env)
[docs]def purge_bibtex_cache(app, env, docname): """Remove all information related to *docname* from the cache. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param env: The sphinx build environment. :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment` """ env.bibtex_cache.purge(docname)
[docs]def merge_bibtex_cache(app, env, docnames, other): """Merge environment information related to *docnames*. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param env: The sphinx build environment. :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment` :param docnames: The document names. :type docnames: :class:`str` :param other: The other environment. :type other: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment` """ env.bibtex_cache.merge(docnames, other.bibtex_cache)
[docs]def process_citations(app, doctree, docname): """Replace labels of citation nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.citation): if "bibtex" in node.attributes.get('classes', []): key = node[0].astext() label = app.env.bibtex_cache.get_label_from_key(key) node[0] = docutils.nodes.label('', label)
[docs]def process_citation_references(app, doctree, docname): """Replace text of citation reference nodes by actual labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param doctree: The document tree. :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ # sphinx has already turned citation_reference nodes # into reference nodes, so iterate over reference nodes for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.reference): if "bibtex" in node.attributes.get('classes', []): text = node[0].astext() key = text[1:-1] label = app.env.bibtex_cache.get_label_from_key(key) node[0] = docutils.nodes.Text('[' + label + ']')
[docs]def check_duplicate_labels(app, env): """Check and warn about duplicate citation labels. :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` :param env: The sphinx build environment. :type env: :class:`sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment` """ label_to_key = {} for bibcaches in env.bibtex_cache.bibliographies.values(): for bibcache in bibcaches.values(): for key, label in bibcache.labels.items(): if label in label_to_key: logger.warning( "duplicate label for keys %s and %s" % (key, label_to_key[label])) else: label_to_key[label] = key
def save_bibtex_json(app, exc): if exc is None: json_filename = normpath_filename( app.env, "bibtex.json", app.config.master_doc) try: with open(json_filename) as json_file: json_string_old = except FileNotFoundError: json_string_old = json.dumps( {"cited": {}}, indent=4, sort_keys=True) cited = { key: list(value) for key, value in app.env.bibtex_cache.cited.items()} json_string_new = json.dumps( {"cited": cited}, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if json_string_old != json_string_new: with open(json_filename, 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(json_string_new) logger.error("""bibtex citations changed, rerun sphinx""")
[docs]def setup(app): """Set up the bibtex extension: * register config values * register directives * register nodes * register roles * register transforms * connect events to functions :param app: The sphinx application. :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx` """ app.add_config_value("bibtex_default_style", "alpha", "html") app.add_config_value("bibtex_bibfiles", None, "html") app.add_config_value("bibtex_encoding", "utf-8-sig", "html") app.add_config_value("bibtex_bibliography_header", "", "html") app.add_config_value("bibtex_footbibliography_header", "", "html") app.connect("builder-inited", init_bibtex_cache) app.connect("env-merge-info", merge_bibtex_cache) app.connect("env-purge-doc", purge_bibtex_cache) app.connect("source-read", init_foot_current_id) app.connect("doctree-resolved", process_citations) app.connect("doctree-resolved", process_citation_references) app.connect("env-updated", check_duplicate_labels) app.connect("build-finished", save_bibtex_json) app.add_directive("bibliography", BibliographyDirective) app.add_role("cite", CiteRole()) app.add_node(bibliography, override=True) app.add_transform(BibliographyTransform) app.add_directive("footbibliography", FootBibliographyDirective) app.add_role("footcite", FootCiteRole()) app.add_node(footbibliography, override=True) app.add_transform(FootBibliographyTransform) return { 'env_version': 4, 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }