Source code for sphinxcontrib.bibtex.transforms

    New Doctree Transforms

    .. autoclass:: BibliographyTransform

        .. autoattribute:: default_priority
        .. automethod:: apply

    .. autofunction:: node_text_transform

    .. autofunction:: transform_url_command

import docutils.nodes
import docutils.transforms

from pybtex.plugin import find_plugin

from sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes import bibliography

[docs]def node_text_transform(node, transform): """Apply transformation to all Text nodes within node.""" for child in node.children: if isinstance(child, docutils.nodes.Text): node.replace(child, transform(child)) else: node_text_transform(child, transform)
[docs]def transform_url_command(textnode): """Convert '\\\\url{...}' into a proper docutils hyperlink.""" text = textnode.astext() if '\\url' in text: text1, _, text = text.partition('\\url') text2, _, text3 = text.partition('}') text2 = text2.lstrip(' {') ref = docutils.nodes.reference(refuri=text2) ref += docutils.nodes.Text(text2) node = docutils.nodes.inline() node += transform_url_command(docutils.nodes.Text(text1)) node += ref node += transform_url_command(docutils.nodes.Text(text3)) return node else: return textnode
[docs]class BibliographyTransform(docutils.transforms.Transform): """A docutils transform to generate citation entries for bibliography nodes. """ # transform must be applied before references are resolved default_priority = 10 """Priority of the transform. See """
[docs] def apply(self): """Transform each :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography` node into a list of citations. """ env = self.document.settings.env docname = env.docname for bibnode in self.document.traverse(bibliography): id_ = bibnode['ids'][0] bibcache = env.bibtex_cache.get_bibliography_cache( docname=docname, id_=id_) entries = env.bibtex_cache.get_bibliography_entries( docname=docname, id_=id_, # locate and instantiate style and backend plugins style = find_plugin('', backend = find_plugin('pybtex.backends', 'docutils')() # create citation nodes for all references if bibcache.list_ == "enumerated": nodes = docutils.nodes.enumerated_list() nodes['enumtype'] = bibcache.enumtype if bibcache.start >= 1: nodes['start'] = bibcache.start env.bibtex_cache.set_enum_count( env.docname, bibcache.start) else: nodes['start'] = env.bibtex_cache.get_enum_count( env.docname) elif bibcache.list_ == "bullet": nodes = docutils.nodes.bullet_list() else: # "citation" nodes = docutils.nodes.paragraph() # remind: style.format_entries modifies entries in unpickable way for entry in style.format_entries(entries): if bibcache.list_ in ["enumerated", "bullet"]: citation = docutils.nodes.list_item() citation += backend.paragraph(entry) else: # "citation" citation = backend.citation(entry, self.document) # backend.citation(...) uses entry.key as citation label # we change it to entry.label later onwards # but we must note the entry.label now; # at this point, we also already prefix the label key = citation[0].astext() bibcache.labels[key] = bibcache.labelprefix + entry.label node_text_transform(citation, transform_url_command) nodes += citation if bibcache.list_ == "enumerated": env.bibtex_cache.inc_enum_count(env.docname) bibnode.replace_self(nodes)