Related Projects ================ Below is a list of projects which include functionality that is similar or related to sphinxcontrib-bibtex. If you know of any other, leave a message on the issue tracker. * Andrey Golovizin's `pybtex `_, a general purpose Python library for working with bibtex files. Drives sphinxcontrib-bibtex. * Matthew Brett's `bibstuff `_. Includes a Sphinx extension similar to sphinxcontrib-bibtex, as well as an assorted collection of bibtex tools. This is a fork of Dylan W. Schwilk and Alan G. Isaac's `bibstuff on google code `_ which is apparently no longer maintained. * wnielson's `sphinx-natbib `_. Similar to sphinxcontrib-bibtex but appears to be stalled in alpha stage. Interestingly, supports natbib-style citations. Apparently no longer maintained. * Jeff Terrace's Sphinx Thesis Resource `sphinxtr `_, a fork of Sphinx which includes a fork of sphinx-natbib.