Source code for sphinxcontrib.bibtex.cache

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Cached Information

    Classes and methods to maintain any information that is stored
    outside the doctree.

    .. autoclass:: Cache

    .. autoclass:: BibfileCache

    .. autoclass:: BibliographyCache

import collections
import pybtex.database

[docs]class Cache: """Global bibtex extension information cache. Stored in ``app.env.bibtex_cache``, so must be picklable. .. attribute:: bibfiles A :class:`dict` mapping .bib file names (relative to the top source folder) to :class:`BibfileCache` instances. .. attribute:: bibliographies Each bibliography directive is assigned an id of the form bibtex-bibliography-xxx. This :class:`dict` maps each such id to information about the bibliography directive, :class:`BibliographyCache`. We need to store this extra information separately because it cannot be stored in the :class:`~sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography` nodes themselves. .. attribute:: _cited A :class:`dict` mapping each docname to a :class:`set` of citation keys. .. attribute:: _enum_count A :class:`dict` mapping each docname to an :class:`int` representing the current bibliography enumeration counter. """ def __init__(self): self.bibfiles = {} self.bibliographies = {} self._cited = collections.defaultdict(set) self._enum_count = {}
[docs] def purge(self, docname): """Remove all information related to *docname*. :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ ids = [id_ for id_, info in self.bibliographies.iteritems() if info.docname == docname] for id_ in ids: del self.bibliographies[id_] self._cited.pop(docname, None) self._enum_count.pop(docname, None)
def inc_enum_count(self, docname): if docname in self._enum_count: self._enum_count[docname] += 1 else: self._enum_count[docname] = 2 def set_enum_count(self, docname, value): self._enum_count[docname] = value def get_enum_count(self, docname): if docname in self._enum_count: return self._enum_count[docname] else: return 1
[docs] def add_cited(self, key, docname): """Add the given *key* to the set of cited keys for *docname*. :param key: The citation key. :type key: :class:`str` :param docname: The document name. :type docname: :class:`str` """ self._cited[docname].add(key)
[docs] def is_cited(self, key): """Return whether the given key is cited in any document. :param key: The citation key. :type key: :class:`str` """ for docname, keys in self._cited.iteritems(): if key in keys: return True return False
[docs] def get_label_from_key(self, key): """Return label for the given key.""" for info in self.bibliographies.itervalues(): if key in info.labels: return info.labels[key] else: raise KeyError("%s not found" % key)
[docs]class BibfileCache: """Contains information about a parsed .bib file. .. attribute:: mtime A :class:`float` representing the modification time of the .bib file when it was last parsed. .. attribute:: data A :class:`pybtex.database.BibliographyData` containing the parsed .bib file. """ def __init__(self, mtime=None, data=None): self.mtime = mtime if mtime is not None else -float("inf") = (data if data is not None else pybtex.database.BibliographyData())
[docs]class BibliographyCache: """Contains information about a bibliography directive. .. attribute:: docname A :class:`str` containing the name of the document in which the directive occurs. We need this information during the Sphinx event *env-purge-doc*. .. attribute:: bibfiles A :class:`list` of :class:`str`\ s containing the .bib file names (relative to the top source folder) that contain the references. .. attribute:: cite A :class:`str`. Should be one of: ``"cited"`` Only generate cited references. ``"notcited"`` Only generated non-cited references. ``"all"`` Generate all references from the .bib files. .. attribute:: style The bibtex style. .. attribute:: list_ The list type. .. attribute:: enumtype The sequence type (only used for enumerated lists). .. attribute:: start The first ordinal of the sequence (only used for enumerated lists). .. attribute:: labels Maps citation keys to their final labels. """ def __init__(self, docname=None, bibfiles=None, cite="cited", style=None, list_="citation", enumtype="arabic", start=1, labels=None, encoding=None, curly_bracket_strip=True, ): self.docname = docname self.bibfiles = bibfiles if bibfiles is not None else [] self.cite = cite = style self.list_ = list_ self.enumtype = enumtype self.start = start self.encoding = encoding self.curly_bracket_strip = curly_bracket_strip self.labels = labels if labels is not None else {}

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