Usage ===== .. rst:role:: cite Create a citation to a bibliographic entry. For example: .. code-block:: rest See :cite:`1987:nelson` for an introduction to non-standard analysis. which would be equivalent to the following LaTeX code: .. code-block:: latex See \cite{1987:nelson} for an introduction to non-standard analysis. .. rst:directive:: .. bibliography:: refs.bib [...] Create bibliography for all cited references. The ``all`` flag forces all references to be included (equivalent to ``\nocite{*}`` in LaTeX). The ``notcited`` flag causes all references that were not cited to be included. The ``cited`` flag is recognized as well but is entirely optional. For example: .. code-block:: rest .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :cited: .. rubric:: Further reading .. bibliography:: refs.bib :notcited: .. warning:: Sphinx will attempt to resolve references to the bibliography across all documents, so you must take care that no citation key is included more than once. You can also pick a bibliography style, using the ``style`` option. This is not yet quite as useful, as only ``unsrt`` is supported, which is also the default. .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs.bib :style: unsrt All citations have numbered labels, as in the ``plain`` LaTeX bibliography style, regardless of the style chosen. This limitation might be lifted in a future version. You can also set the encoding of the bibliography files, using the ``encoding`` option. .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs.bib :encoding: latin .. XXX not documenting disable-curly-bracket-strip for now; might remove it Finally, curly brackets are automatically removed when the bib file is parsed. Usually, this is what you want. If you desire to disable this behaviour, use the ``disable-curly-bracket-strip`` option: .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs.bib :disable-curly-bracket-strip: