Usage ===== Roles and Directives -------------------- .. rst:role:: cite Create a citation to a bibliographic entry. For example: .. code-block:: rest See :cite:`1987:nelson` for an introduction to non-standard analysis. which would be equivalent to the following LaTeX code: .. code-block:: latex See \cite{1987:nelson} for an introduction to non-standard analysis. .. rst:directive:: .. bibliography:: refs.bib [...] Create bibliography for all cited references. The ``all`` flag forces all references to be included (equivalent to ``\nocite{*}`` in LaTeX). The ``notcited`` flag causes all references that were not cited to be included. The ``cited`` flag is recognized as well but is entirely optional. For example: .. code-block:: rest .. rubric:: References .. bibliography:: refs.bib :cited: .. rubric:: Further reading .. bibliography:: refs.bib :notcited: .. warning:: Sphinx will attempt to resolve references to the bibliography across all documents, so you must take care that no citation key is included more than once. You can also pick a bibliography style, using the ``style`` option. This is not yet quite as useful, as only ``plain`` and ``unsrt`` are supported. The ``plain`` style is the default. .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs.bib :style: unsrt All citations have numbered labels, as in the ``plain`` LaTeX bibliography style, regardless of the style chosen. This limitation might be lifted in a future version. You can also set the encoding of the bibliography files, using the ``encoding`` option. .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs.bib :encoding: latex+latin Note that, usually, you want to prepend your encoding with ``latex+``, in order to convert LaTeX control characters to unicode characters (for instance, to convert ``\'e`` into ``é``). The latex codec is invoked by default, for your convenience. Be sure to write ``\%`` when you intend to format a percent sign. You can also change the type of list used for rendering the bibliography. By default, a paragraph of standard citations will be generated. However, instead, you can also generate a bullet list, or an enumerated list. .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs1.bib :list: bullet :all: .. bibliography:: refs2.bib :list: enumerated :all: Note that citations to these types of bibliography lists will not be resolved. For enumerated lists, you can also specify the type (default is ``arabic``), and the start of the sequence (default is ``1``). .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs2.bib :list: enumerated :enumtype: upperroman :start: 3 :all: The enumtype can be any of ``arabic`` (1, 2, 3, ...), ``loweralpha`` (a, b, c, ...), ``upperalpha`` (A, B, C, ...), ``lowerroman`` (i, ii, iii, ...), or ``upperroman`` (I, II, III, ...). The start can be any positive integer (1, 2, 3, ...) or ``continue`` if you wish the enumeration to continue from the last bibliography. This is helpful if you split up your bibliography but still want to enumerate the entries continuously. .. XXX not documenting disable-curly-bracket-strip for now; might remove it Finally, curly brackets are automatically removed when the bib file is parsed. Usually, this is what you want. If you desire to disable this behaviour, use the ``disable-curly-bracket-strip`` option: .. code-block:: rest .. bibliography:: refs.bib :disable-curly-bracket-strip: Known Issues and Workarounds ---------------------------- Tinkerer ~~~~~~~~ To use the bibtex extension with `Tinkerer `_, be sure to specify the bibtex extension first in your ```` file:: extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.bibtex', '', 'tinkerer.ext.disqus'] Encoding: Percent Signs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using the LaTeX codec (which is by default), be sure to write ``\%`` for percent signs at all times (unless your file contains a genuine comment), otherwise the bibtex lexer will ignore the remainder of the line. If you don't want any LaTeX symbols to be reinterpreted as unicode, use the option ``:encoding: utf`` (without the ``latex+`` prefix). Unresolved Citations Across Documents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you cite something that has its bibliography in another document, then, at the moment, the extension may, or may not, realise that it has to add this citation. The way to work around this problem is to either use the option ``:all:`` in the :rst:dir:`bibliography` directive (which will simply cause all entries to be included), or to somehow ensure that the :rst:dir:`bibliography` directive is processed after all :rst:role:`:cite:`\ s. (Sphinx appears to process files in an alphabetical manner.) Hopefully, this limitation can be lifted in a future release. KeyError When Using ``:style: plain`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using the plain style, or any style that sorts entries, pybtex may raise ``KeyError: 'author'`` for entries that have no author. A patch has been submitted upstream: